Future Events-What & When
How to Grow Vegetables Successfully
with Barry Newman
Tuesday 4th February 2025 7.30pm
At the Stepping Stones Pub Westhumble, RH5 6BS
Tickets £6 on the Door – No need to book – All welcome
This is a presentation that passes on useful information to both the beginner and experienced gardener. Areas dealt with include ground preparation, variety choice, growing methods, crop protection together with pest and disease control.
Barry is a well-known grower, exhibitor, lecturer and judge. He is currently Vice Chairman of the RHS’s Fruit, Vegetable and Herb Committee and a former Chairman of the National Vegetable Society.
Barry was formally trained in horticulture at Pershore, York and Bath. Much of his working life was in local authority amenity provision around the country, retiring in 2005.
In 2022 Barry was awarded the Kew Guild Medal for distinguished service to the horticultural industry.
A tour of Brodie Biomass
with Alex Brodie
Wednesday 12th March 2025 10.30am
At Brodie Biomass, Brockham, RH3 7AU
Cost £8.50 - Booking Essential
Brodie Biochar is part of a family-owned group of businesses led by Alex Brodie. Brodie Biomass produces biochar along with a variety of biochar composts and soil conditioners, using locally sourced materials.
Biochar, a charcoal-like substance that’s produced through pyrolysis – burning organic matter at a high temperature with minimal oxygen – is recognised by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as a key solution to combat climate change. Through this process, carbon that was once in the atmosphere can be sequestered in soil or compost for hundreds of years.
The Magic of Houseplants
with Sarah Foss
Tuesday 1st April 2025 7.30pm
At the Stepping Stones Pub Westhumble, RH5 6BS
Tickets £6 on the Door – No need to book – All welcome
It is said that growing houseplants can improve your physical and mental health. Over recent years, interest in growing plants in our homes has increased, and many people are now discovering the benefits and beauty of nurturing plants, even without any outdoor space at all. From cleaning and purifying the air, helping us breathe well, to relaxing and recharging our minds from home-working stresses, houseplants are magical!
Sarah began studying horticulture in 2005 when she started working with disabled people helping them to overcome ongoing mental ill-health by accessing gardening. From there, she moved on to run gardening projects for Age UK Merton and for EcoLocal, an environmental charity in south London, becoming one of their sessional tutors, delivering practical courses on food production, fruit growing and pruning, fruit grafting, and organic gardening.
In 2014 Sarah began studying for the RHS Level 3 Horticulture examinations, completing the full RHS Level 3 Diploma with distinction in 2018. She then moved on to work for disability charity Share Community as Senior Tutor, delivering horticultural training to disabled adults, teaching City and Guilds Practical Horticulture Courses to Level 2.
In 2019 Sarah decided to further her horticultural studies by undertaking the RHS Master of Horticulture degree course, passing in 2022 with Distinction and winning the prestigious Chittenden Award for gaining the highest grades in her year. She presently works as a sessional tutor for EcoLocal, Sutton Parks Department, Imperial College London and others and have recently been promoted to Senior Examiner with Royal Horticultural Society Qualifications department.
Flower Arranging with Fiona Bliss
Tuesday 6th May 2025 7.30pm
At the Stepping Stones Pub Westhumble, RH5 6BS
Cost £8 - Booking Essential
If you’re interested in developing some simple hints and tips to make the most of shop-bought flowers whether for a professional-looking beautiful bouquet or stunning centrepiece join Fiona our guest speaker, for a presentation that will include, which flowers to buy; how to condition and jazz them up utilising garden foliage; how to gift wrap/present in vases and containers. There will also be an opportunity to purchase the displays created by Fiona, at the end of the evening.
Numbers will be capped for this event to give members the chance to view the presentation and ask questions.
Ranmore Open Gardens
Sunday 15th June 2025 2pm – 5pm
In Aid of St Barnabas Church and Princess Alice Hospice
Together with gardening enthusiasts from Ranmore, the Garden Shed has organised for some gardens to be open to members of the Garden Shed.
There will be refreshments available and a plant stall in St Barnabas Church grounds.
All proceeds will be donated to charities at St Barnabas Church and Princess Alice Hospice.
Visit to No Name Nursery
Tour by Steve Edney and Louise Dowle
Saturday 28th June 2025 10.30 am – 12.30pm
At The No Name Nursery, Sandwich, Kent. CT13
Cost £14 - Booking Essential
Some of you will remember 2 excellent talks given by Steve Edney with the support of Louise Downey. In addition to talks, Steve and Louise run a nursery in Sandwich Kent and we have been invited for a visit.
The nursery not only grow and sell some excellent plants, but there is also an orchard, a nut walk, a jungle, a dry bed and an amazing long border. It all began with a blank canvas back in 2019 when they purchased the 3 acre piece of land.
All About Roses
A Talk by Catherine May from Seale Rose Nursery
Tuesday 5th August 2025 7.30pm
At the Stepping Stones Pub Westhumble, RH5 6BS
Tickets £6 on the Door – No need to book – All welcome
Catherine will be giving a talk all about roses. Covering all aspects of rose care. She will also be bringing a selection of rose for you to buy if you wish.
Established in 1948, David and Catherine May's family run nursery specialises in the growing of highly scented climbing and rambling roses for both borders and containers. They also offer a wide selection of fragrant, healthy bush and shrub roses.
Tool Sharpening Day
During the Mickleham and Westhumble Horticultural Society Show
Saturday 13th September 2025
Tool Sharpening from 10am-3pm
Show 2pm – 5pm
At Mickleham Village Hall Mickleham, RH5 6EE
Cost £5 per item
We have organised our 3rd Tool Sharpening Day. An opportunity for you to bring along your garden tools and kitchen knives to be sharpened by Richard from the California Horticulture Society.
Remember, it is much safer and easier to work with sharp and well maintained tools. It is also much healthier for your plants to have a clean cut with a sharp tool rather than being crushed or torn with a blunt one.
Willow Basket Weaving with Nicki Rowling
Saturday 4th October 2025 9.15am – 12.30pm
At Mickleham Village Hall Mickleham, RH5 6EE
Cost £46 - Booking Essential
Nicki has joined us on several occasions in the past, demonstrating and guiding us to produce some excellent work.
This is a lovely half day course creating a beautiful plant pot, approximately - Base diameter 18cm - Height 20cm - Top diameter 23cm. We begin the day with coffee or tea and an introduction to the world of willow. How it is grown and prepared so you can make your basket.
Working from a pre- drilled, oiled wooden bases that have been prepared for you, you will learn how to weave your basket. Using a variety of different colours that are available at that time we can create a beautiful plant pot, perfect for any corner of the house.
Refreshments will be served throughout the morning including home-made cakes,
Protecting our Pollinators
Talk by Peter Smith
Tuesday 4th November 2025 7.30pm
At the Stepping Stones Pub Westhumble, RH5 6BS
Tickets £6 on the Door – No need to book – All welcome
Peter’s illustrated talk focuses on the pollinators of the UK and some of the problems they face with a particular focus on honeybees – and all the associated stories and traditions associated with bees and honey – but also bumblebees and moths. The talk is designed to build awareness
Peter is a beekeeper and experienced, amateur entomologist. Over many years he has developed a passion for the wonderful creatures and all the other pollinators that we share our gardens with. He also knows there’s still a lot to learn. He also has been recording moths for twelve years and in that time has recorded over 400 species in his back garden – moths really are a secret world waiting to be discovered. He also provides ‘moth mornings’ with the Surrey Wildlife Trust and local community and wildlife groups where they meet round one of his light traps to see what they've caught before releasing them. He works closely with the Bumblebee Conservation Trust and is currently mapping bumblebee populations on the North Downs.
Christmas Wreaths and Table Decorations Workshop
Sunday 7th December 2025 9.15am – 12.30pm
At Mickleham Village Hall Mickleham, RH5 6EE
Cost £45 - Booking Essential
By popular demand, we are once again hosting a Christmas Workshop. Enjoy the morning and make either a Christmas Wreath or Table Decoration. This annual event is the perfect way to start the Christmas season.
You will start the morning with tea and coffee while we demonstrate the Wreath and Table Decoration process. Then you can start your own creation, selecting from our extensive choice of materials. Refreshments will be served during the morning, including tea, coffee, homemade mince pies and sausage rolls. A complimentary mulled wine will also be served and you can enjoy the festive music while you work.